You really never know what you are going to find. Sometimes it's lovely vintage treasures that you can use to decorate your home, but last weekend it was all about the experience, the ambiance and the great people that we met.
Experience the ambiance found in a basement of a tag sale we found...
Sweet mural spotted on the basement wall at the tag sale. I think that cow may be a bit of a flirt.
I have a feeling that this sweet mural was placed there to serve as a strategic distraction from the very energy efficient unit that was "tucked" into the corner.
This unit is not Energy Star rated. I asked my hubby to stand in the picture so you could get a sense of scale.
I am easily distracted by things like a flirty cow, a rooster and a frolicking pig and can't believe I almost missed the elephant. I am serious. The hubby had to bring this to my attention.
Onward to the next yard sale experience.
We came upon a house that had quite a collection on Victorian era steamer trunks lined up in their drive way.
I complimented the owner on his impressive collection and display. He explained that he was a collector that had to downsize a bit to make room for more. I sure do like the way he thinks.
He was eager to show off the impressive features of these beautiful trunks, like the special compartments for ladies to store their hats, trays for trinkets, original hardware and leather straps etc.
I was distracted by the pretty decorations on the interior lids of the trunks, and asked if he cared if I took pictures of them.
Although he seemed a little bit confused by my interest, he was happy to open them all up for me, and even excitedly pointed out the some of his favorites.
He kept inquiring if I got a picture of this one...
or that one...
Did you see the one with the little Christmas picture?
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I loved them all. Loved the pattern mixing, loved the illustrations, but I especially loved the level of excitement that the captain of this yard sail had for his antique steamer trunks.
After the photos were taken and my thank yous were said, the captain left us with a little piece of steamer trunk trivia.
Image from General Metal and Holloware
The more you know.
Steamer trunks prove to be both effective for packing as well as lovely to look at. Love the attention to detail on the inside and on the exteriors.
Functional and stylish travel...I feel a Unique Pick theme coming on.
So that was my little round about way of getting to this week's Unique Picks. Get packing in style for your next trip, with these great finds from etsy sellers.
Where are you headed?
So what is your suitcase situation?
My favorite part of this bag has to be this...

Once again, the baggage screener may appreciate the heads up on this.
Lastly, let's talk about a few other travel accessories that may help you to have a first class travel experience.
Wakey, Wakey.
No need for the wake up call when you have your very own travel alarm clock. A vintage fantastic one to boot.
Vintage travel alarm clock from Joie De Cleve
Dressed to im-"pressed".
Pack a travel iron to avoid all of those pesky wrinkles.
Brand spanking new 1940's vintage travel iron from Altered Paradise at Regina's Studio
Avoid bulky camera cases, but still keep your digital camera safe with this adorable handmade felt case.

So cute from Sweet treats by claraiuribe's etsy shop
Here is a first class solution to keep all of your travel documents organized.
It is the In Touch Clutch (tm) from downstairsDesigns
Snack attack en route?
You can avoid those "coach class" peanuts by packing your own designer almonds in this reusable snack pouch.

Q: Do you know why some trunks have flat tops and some have rounded tops?
A: It's all about class baby. Sure the flat top trunks are for space saving storage, but the rounded top trunks belonged to the first class passengers. The rounded top trunks could only be placed on top of the stacked flat top ones, keeping them safe and sound.The more you know.
Steamer trunks prove to be both effective for packing as well as lovely to look at. Love the attention to detail on the inside and on the exteriors.
Functional and stylish travel...I feel a Unique Pick theme coming on.
Adorable vintage photo from Aunt Sue's New Old Lovely etsy shop
We can't all fly in a private jet like Ted Danson, but we sure can pack in style like we are first class.
Part of my personal stash of vintage awesome. 1958 American Airlines brochure.
Where are you headed?
These may help you to decide...
Find fantastic destinations in this great collection of 1960's travel brochures and maps from Bountiful Books & Papers etsy shop.
So what is your suitcase situation?
Is it rugged? Classic? Vintage chic?
These Picks are all of that and more.
How do you make a lovely piece of vintage luggage even lovelier?
Add a beautiful hand painted detail.
You may be mistaken for James Bond if you start toting this piece around.
Let's be honest folks. Travel has changed slightly over the years. As amazing as these vintage cases look they may prove to be a bit cumbersome and expensive to travel with. Unless of course you don't carry your own bags or give two wits about paying for your heavy bags. If that is the case I am guessing you really are a first class passenger.
I do personally prefer the modern convenience of the wheels on my suitcase, since I am forced to attend to my own luggage.
I don't think this makes me "coach class" or "cheap", but rather um...independent when I travel.
I actually choose to leave my vintage luggage at home where it serves as a jewelry box in my bedroom.
Think of all of the accessories you can stash into a lovely little vintage train case.
Think of all of the accessories you can stash into a lovely little vintage train case.
You can always deck out your modern rolly suitcase with this gorgeous "first class" looking luggage tag.
Set of copper personalized luggage tags from anandi's laboratory
I know that I can get a little obsessive compulsive when packing. I prefer to use little fabric storage bags when packing my suitcase, to contain all of the little travel needs that I can no longer carry on.
You too can show off your first class obsessive compulsive disorder...I mean organization skills, with these little storage bags in your suitcase.
Vintage fabric toiletry bag from Ivory Gray Designs
Sharp looking travel shaving/cosmetic bag composed of Pendleton wool from Timberline Treasures
I am sure the baggage screener will be impressed with your organization and sense of style.
Dirty clothes can also be confined in style when traveling.
I love this.

Fabric travel laundry bag from SoxyPuppet's etsy shop
Vintage fabric toiletry bag from Ivory Gray Designs
Sharp looking travel shaving/cosmetic bag composed of Pendleton wool from Timberline Treasures
I am sure the baggage screener will be impressed with your organization and sense of style.
Dirty clothes can also be confined in style when traveling.
I love this.

Fabric travel laundry bag from SoxyPuppet's etsy shop
My favorite part of this bag has to be this...

Once again, the baggage screener may appreciate the heads up on this.
Lastly, let's talk about a few other travel accessories that may help you to have a first class travel experience.
Wakey, Wakey.
No need for the wake up call when you have your very own travel alarm clock. A vintage fantastic one to boot.
Vintage travel alarm clock from Joie De Cleve
Dressed to im-"pressed".
Pack a travel iron to avoid all of those pesky wrinkles.
Brand spanking new 1940's vintage travel iron from Altered Paradise at Regina's Studio
Avoid bulky camera cases, but still keep your digital camera safe with this adorable handmade felt case.

Here is a first class solution to keep all of your travel documents organized.
Snack attack en route?
You can avoid those "coach class" peanuts by packing your own designer almonds in this reusable snack pouch.

Whether you scored a seat in first class, or are smooshed in the back, here's a little something that couldn't hurt to bring along.
It is a vintage St. Christopher medal. He is the patron saint of safe travels. I am not Catholic but I think it is mighty fine that he has your back. This one is from Blue Grotto' s etsy shop.
Bon Voyage folks!
Fantastic set of 1940's early aviation postcards from ImagesUnearthed
I hope that you have enjoyed this week's Unique Picks with ideas for making your trip seem First class and stylish all the way.