Howdy folks!
Just a little backstory on this fantastic mid century Bay
Keramik West Germany art pottery planter that just arrived in my etsy shop...
Because sometimes the hunt is just as interesting as the find.
Picture it...
Early August, somewhere in Ohio on Rt. 127 (a.k.a The
Endless Yard Sale)...
There was a field filled with rusty metal vintage treasures.
A huge thunderstorm was brewing. Instead of wondering around the field of metal
finds with lightening overhead, the hubby and I opted to venture into a little
farm out building. There was a sign on the door that said “More Inside”. Oh yes,
there certainly was more. The building
was filled with tables of treasure from what we could tell. There was some
daylight coming through one door and there was one very dim overhead light. was the type of building that felt like it belonged in a horror film…and the men
that were selling didn’t exactly give me a fuzzy safe feeling. Honestly I felt
safer outside the field of metal with the lightening striking… But there was
the vintage…so I pressed on. I don’t know that I have ever selected my
purchases as fast as I did that afternoon. There was no time for pondering over
details; there was not really any way to check for cracks or makers marks
considering the low lit ambiance of that charming building. The name of the game was,
take a chance. Grab what you like, buy it and get the heck outta there. My husband...didn’t
seem to notice my uneasiness and urgency. He was lost in a box of vintage beer
bottle openers. I wondered over to him with my hands full of vintage pottery
and said…in a slightly…well, rather stern tone, “we need to wrap this up”. With
every crack of thunder, I selected faster. All I kept thinking was, please don’t
let this storm knock out the power to that light. We purchased our treasures from
a slightly sketchy looking fellow and made it to the silver flea (a.k.a. my
sweet car) right before the rain started pouring. When we made it home safe and
sound I decided to inspect my finds, since I had not really seen them. As luck
would have it, this mid-century pottery piece was in pretty good shape…I didn’t
fare so well with all of the pieces. One out of six isn’t too shabby..and we
didn’t get kidnaped...also very good.
The moral of the story is, sometimes it is better to be lucky than good.
Sure those men may have been a bit sketchy but they did have some pretty sweet vintage. Maybe it was a genius selling technique. Entice the customer with awesome vintage..but make them feel very uncomfortable and a bit scared so they don’t quibble about
price and they don’t linger…the world may never know. |