Ohhhh the anticipation...the excitement.
Anyone know what today is?
Anyone? Anyone?
How are you celebrating baseball season? Why not deck out some cupcakes with these sweet vintage baseball glove cupcake toppers from Crickleberry Cottage's etsy shop. |
Who are the Clippers, you ponder? Well they are Columbus' AAA Minor League baseball team.
Just to be clear. I don't really like baseball...but I do like Columbus Clippers baseball. Makes sense, right?
Check out my sweet new Clipper's gear. This one of a kind D.I.Y Clippers bag was a Christmas Gift from my Hubby. D.I.Y? Yes. He bought me this vintage bag (on etsy, of course) and the Clippers patch and it was up to me to assemble, since sewing is not really his forte. |
So to celebrate opening day, I thought I would sing a little tune that you may know and love, accompanied by some great etsy finds that you may want to get to know and love!
1949 sheet music from the MGM musical "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" found in Oma's Trunk's etsy shop.
Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out to the crowd;
Buy me some peanuts...
Adorable vintage style peanut bags from In The Clear on etsy. |
and Crackerjack,
Some may associate beer with baseball games but there is nothing wrong with throwing back a glass of vino while cheering on the team...especially if you are using these great vintage Crackerjack prize wine glass charms handmade by D&J Leis Antiques on etsy. |
...and a hot dog
(seriously, how is this line not in the lyrics?)
I don't care if I never get back.
So let's root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win, it's a shame.
Hoping for a win! This great embossed copper "win" necklace is from Juls After Midnight on etsy. |
For it's one, two, three strikes you're out,
At the old ball game!
Go Clippers! Bring home a win tonight! You know that they say...
If the home team loses the opener...
they won't be able to serve beer the rest of the season.
Please don't lose the opener. But if they do...you won't have to worry, if you have this great vintage beer bottle opener around your neck, from Poor Sparrow's etsy shop. |
(A girly could get powerful thirsty without a cold one to wash down all of those hot dogs.)
Hope that you enjoyed our opening day inspired etsy picks and I wish all of your favorite teams the best of luck this baseball season, unless they are playing my Clippers of course.